Pub quiz winners!
On March 25th we hosted our annual NLCLUB Pub Quiz. Historically known as one of our most “gezellige” live events due to the bar-like atmosphere and the fact that the quiz was played in teams.
Just like last year, we had to adapt our quiz slightly as we transformed our pub quiz to an online event.
With over 40 participants (all unmuted!), once again our pub quiz turned out to be a huge success!
Our contestants were challenged with questions that were far from easy to answer; did you know that Giovanni da Verazzano visited what is now Manhattan before Henry Hudson? And would you know if the Tunnel Exit Street is east or west of the Tunnel Approach Street?..
All participants will receive a complimentary drink, the next time they visit a live event organized by the NLCLUB NYC.
And our top 3 has been rewarded with a ticket to an event of their choice! Congratulations to Thierry Valenbreder for winning first prize, Trevor Colas for being an awesome second and Vera Kuipers for an amazing third place.
Hope to see you all soon!
Veerle & Katherine