A word of welcome from the president.
June 12, 2020
New York City
To call 2020 an unprecedented year is already an understatement and we’re not even halfway yet. The country is reeling from riots while the number of COVID-19 infections is still rising. Add to that the elections in November and 2020 is a year for the history books.
The Netherland Club of New York is adapting to this reality. Founded in 1903, it survived two world wars, a great depression and more recently a great recession as well as terrorist attacks, by being nimble and responding to the expectations of its members. We are very proud to announce a new website, logo and activities despite everything that’s going on around us. The membership has exploded with the new membership drive and the online programs that our General Managers have put together have attracted a large number of new members.
Just in the past few weeks we’ve had Mini&Maxi exclusively for the NL Club, this years’ version of the highly acclaimed Pub Quiz, while our collaboration with the NY Philharmonic allowed us to enjoy top rated music from behind our computers. Granted, we had to skip King Willem Alexander's birthday celebration and postpone the annual Nieuwe Haring event, but we’re hopeful that events in person in the second half of the calendar year will be possible again. It’s not for lack of trying or for lack of good programming options.
Sunday Matinee. : Mini&Maxi
We’ve used the time that we couldn’t spend on live events very effectively. And the result is in front of you: our new website. Combined with a very active Facebook community, our online presence is getting more and more complete. We look forward to your comments which you can actually leave on the website for all to enjoy.
While I cannot wait to see you in person at one of our events (and we have some very exciting ones for you in the pipeline), for now we have to make do with our online interaction. This website has made that experience much more enjoyable, we hope. Please stay safe and healthy and we hope to see you soon!
Willem Houck
President the NL Club of New York